Iona Speaks about Defending Self-Justice

Twin Heartbeat

Iona R Rudisill Season 4 Episode 405

Being a Defender of Self-Justice is not a "catch phrase" or an after thought but an intentional divine posture of identity.  A defender is someone who can be defined as a protector, a guardian, a steward, and a champion for what is right.  Simply put, the Defender of Self-Justice is a preserver of the righteuous gifts God has orchestrated within each of us that dictates how we should live, regardless of situations we might encounter.  In this episode, listeners will hear the blessed testimony of a connection between our guest, Ms. Tina Pollard and her twin sister.  This relationship is powerful and great that begins, ends and flows through one heartbeat.  Listen how Tina shares about the synthesis of the twin connection and the beauty of this relationship.  Even though she and her twin shared the same birth sac, she explains how they were also uniquely made to be the trustees of the gifts that God individually created within them.