Iona Speaks about Defending Self-Justice

Dismantling the Stigma of Emergency Room Healthcare

Iona R Rudisill Season 4 Episode 409

Whether it be physical, mental, spiritual, or psychological, healthcare is essential to the lifestyle of every human being in this world.  For centuries there have been disparities in how adults and children, men and women, races and ethnicities, as well as chosen lifestyles, and forced lifestyles through abusive situations are provided healthcare.  When we speak about receiving emergency healthcare, there are a variety of emotions experienced across the spectrum of peaceful contentment to extreme anxiety.   Have you experienced one of these emotions?  In my lifetime, from an adolescent I have experienced different levels of anxiety when entering into an emergency room.  Therefore, I am honored and privileged to engage in an empowering conversation about emergent care with a world renowned and highly esteemed emergency care physician, Dr. Sharon Waters.  A native of New York, currently practicing in the Atlanta, Georgia region at Kaiser Permanente, Dr. Waters helps to dispel some of the myths of emergent care by explaining how emergency room care should be provided.  Listeners will receive vital information about expectations when entering a hospital emergency room as Dr. Waters expounds upon her 3 C's of care delivery, Check what's life threatening, Care and treat the situation, and Call for any additional care needed.    So as you listen to this podcast episode, be open-minded and open-hearted to what you will hear.