Iona Speaks about Defending Self-Justice

Leading through Trauma

Iona R Rudisill Season 4 Episode 410

In the mind of our creator, Almighty God, we were perfect.  Yet because of one choice made, outside of His design, through manipulative and deceptive language, trauma entered into existence.   Therefore, we are perfect creations in imperfect bodies, living in an imperfect world, using restorative practices to heal from the trauma we were born into, the trauma we live in, and the trauma we have experienced. Since we all were created to be perfect, in the image of God and God is the ultimate leader of this universe, we were all created to be leaders. However, through time and free-will decision making, we lead through a capacity of trauma.  Thus, It is important for adults and youth to effectively and qualitatively lead through a posture of understanding individual, historical, and collective trauma. So in this final episode of “Iona Speaks about Defending Self-Justice,” in 2023, listeners are invited to a dynamic and insightful conversation with Dr. Durryle Brooks, CEO and founder of Love & Justice Consulting LLC ( ).  I am both honored and blessed to have this enlightening dialogue with Dr. Brooks, a native of Baltimore who leads through a posture of trauma with grace, knowledge, and healing.  Also, Dr. Brooks uses his education, heritage, and life experiences to provide executive coaching for individuals, corporations, governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations.  In this discussion he explains, “Emotional Emancipation,” and poses the question, “When we do take on self-care in a much more radical act, it invites us to consider what…part of my socialization has me not to want to be quiet and sit in silence…or to be present that I have to be so busy in doing something all of the time?”  Do not miss listening to this podcast, as we round the corner for 2023 and look ahead to Season 5 in 2024.  Let us be intentional about being the leaders God created us to be, exercising His dominion, as we learn about how there is value in trauma.